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this is where you can find everything of mine NEW & OLD

do we have to follow you for resources?

not at all, that’s why everything is public. I prefer to leave that optional!

is PAYHIP the only way we can download your stuff?

yes and no, you can find most of my packs, coloring + presets on my old giveaway page which is public

why payhip?

a few times mega has deleted my stuff to never be found again. they’re very strict if you go over their free 20 GB limit. if you go over it all for too long, they give you 30 days to pay or they delete all of your stuff & they have done that to me twice. I choose payhip because it’s unlimited. you can upload anything up to 5 GB

why do you give everything out or host so many giveaways?

when I was editing for the first time, I had no resources of any kind. I had to teach myself & struggle to find anything. I don’t want anyone to struggle, I appreciate my followers sm + want to do this for them

can I dt you in anything not on your list?

I don’t mind! even if I don’t stan who it is I would love to support your work but if you just want me to show it love & support. you can send your edit to me

have a question?

please dm me your question. I don’t have a tellonym anymore, messaging me is the only way to reach me